Back on the internet after three weeks without a landline connection. The house I’m in has one permanent landline in the telephone room. I phoned one wireless service to find that they don’t have a wireless network in Dunedin. I decided to keep my old account with Telstra-Clear active. What a to-do! It took them about three weeks and five phone calls before they activated the connection. They did it on the last day possible. I was patient during the whole progress. By the end I was thinking if they don’t get service up today I am going to enquire with Vodaphone about their wireless service! That was the same day I came home and found a dial tone. The Wheel of Time is nothing compared to getting good service at the arse-end of the South Island!

Anyhow I have not been without distractions, apart from not having an internet connection. I organised two meetings for candidates of the local elections at Opoho church. The attendance of candidates and interested people made the effort worth it.

I had a lot of help moving flats. l’Enfant de Jeu was my Girl Thursday from my Livejournal friends. Much thanks to her! Other help came from the property staff of Knox College, Research Write New Zealand, and the Changed Man. What lovely people.

Then in the same week the stars were aligned and the Presbyterians gathered in Christchurch for their biennial assembly. I was there commissioned to go by my parish. It was an unpleasant experience. The evangelical spirit of the gathering meant the decision-making was entrenched in conservatism. It was a happy occasion only for people who tick the right boxes and I came away feeling that I don’t. When I gave my report to my parish I expressed my unhappy feelings to them last Sunday and got a lot of support and encouragement from them.

After that I came down with an infection in my leg that left it enflamed and swollen up my calf. I went to my doctor and they put me on antibiotics for a week. The inflamation went down very quickly. My right ankle still looks a little more fleshier than the other under my sock. It will take a while for that to go down.

Now working 35 hours a week which has taken an hour out of my afternoons each day. Fortunately I’m living closer to the inner city, only a couple of minutes from the gym in the octagon so I am making up time going back and forth from there. It’s about a forty minute walk to work at the Castle now so I leave after the eight o’clock news. Sooner or later I’m going to have to look at the bus routes to North Dunedin and see which one suits me best.

Must stop writing now as I want to go to a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop at the Chinese Gardens. See you later!