Ah, dear lord, we come to pray, for ourselves and for others.

We have come to talk to you, and to listen.

Ah, dear lord, we are listening, bend down and listen with us.

You are the living god, who cannot be pinned down, you are without boundary.

We cannot accept you into our lives; you accept us into your boundless life.

You are the god of  Abraham, the god of Isaac, the god of Jacob, the god of all who have come alive.

Tell us the words to say. We want to pray with you.

We are in this world, and it attempts to distract us.

One day it tells us that the quest is won, the cup is ours;

The next day we discover that our world is not changed;

There are no unicorns and dragons and rainbows; and we must continue to listen;

And to seek you out.

Each day has its own problems, and tomorrow will have enough troubles of its own.

We have shaped the world in our image; we have contributed to the distress of the world;

Make us new, and let us be your agents.

Lord, we have filled our world with dross; teach us to simplify our lives; to work for peace;

And to renew the world; teach us your peace; awaken us to encounter you;

Awaken us to encounter our neighbour;

And recognise the humanity of those who live outside our walls.

Lord, we pray for your mercy for those who venture out on the oceans, have mercy, Lord,

Especially for the refugee, who are running from a home that has become the mouth of the shark;

And the open sea is safer for them than the land they leave behind; bring them safely to shore;

Let us open our doors to welcome them home;

In our land, watered and refreshed under the wide starry sky; gather in all your people.

We pray for the leaders of our nation, of our city, and of our Church.

Guide them in their decision-making to be people who see visions, and dream dreams;

A community of people who say YES!

Yes to all forms of life, and yes to all good ways of living together.

Lord, we are coming to the end of the year; you have shut the doors of hallowe’en;

The cold and dark are bound behind fireworks and crackerjacks and long spring evenings.

As we enter the busy time of the year, of giving, and receiving, and celebration;

Do not let us forget you, the living god, be the annunciation,

The promise of the new life we live in you. Let us be reborn in the spring-time of the world.

And we pray together the prayer your taught your disciples, we sing together

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, as in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, aw we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever.

Amen, amen. Amen, amen. Amen, amen. Amen, amen.

The Widow's Mite, Ravenna

The Widow’s Mite, Ravenna