
The ‘true’ name of the Hobbit is Andrew Smith. It is as true as any other name he has answered to in his lifetime, and the one with which he identifies himself. This was the name he was born to, when he was born in 1965 in Invercargill, NZ. He lived his first 20 years in that city. He is the youngest of three surviving brothers. His twin brother died 12 February 1998.

He spent three years at the University of Otago and decided that Dunedin was the city where he would like to live. He moved there in 1994 and is still there at the time of writing.

He is a member of the Opoho Presbyterian Church in Dunedin where he serves on the Parish Council as an elder. He is interested in religion and Christian theology without any formal training in that field in contrast to others with better qualifications. Hence his on-line name Intheologus, Not-A-Theologian. As a nickname, and a calling, it appears to remain unique on the internet.  He answers to ‘Inth’ or ‘Gus’ for short, when called.

Since the beginning of 2004 he has been working full-time at the Presbyterian Archives at Knox College in Dunedin.

On the internet he is best known for his Brithenig language.

Ethnicity: Pakeha (European-descended New Zealander), Southlander. Politics: Second-generation NZ Labour Party voter. A Decile 5 solitary.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. mart the rev
    Oct 25, 2011 @ 19:11:41

    Nice to have a browse through your blog Andrew!!


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