Have breakfast, make lunch, write journal. Go to archives. I was there until four o’clock in the afternoon when I came home. I had morning tea and lunch upstairs in Room 3 of the Hewitson wing where the Archives has extended to. Since the kitchen is charging horrendous amounts for morning tea the archives staff and volunteers are staying over in this wing. It is beginning to feel like we are not welcome in the college wings.

After I got home the money for the power bill from Mike and Joe was on the peg. I took it and walked into the post shop at the university to pay it. Afterwards I took the time to browse the University Bookshop and the Library. Yvonne gave me a gift vouchure for the UBS a couple of years ago for work that I had done for the archives. I have not spent it yet, although I did not see anything that I wanted to buy.

Came home again and made tea: pork pieces made warm in sweet chilli sauce; pumpkin and swede mash; and boiled potatoes. Can’t see why people compliment my cooking. It can only improve.

I turned my computer on in the evening, but I have done no work for Griffler Enterprises so far. Instead I have replied to emails from Constentin and IJzeren Jan about the death of the king. There are some jobs I know I could do at Griffler Enterprises. The memory modules need to be relabeled for a start. Jumpgate or Rribbitt will write to me if something urgent comes up, I hope. There is still the #griffler chatroom if I need to talk to them.