Grace Notes for Lent 2

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Melbourne coincidences

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One of our volunteers was back in today.  She was gone away for a weekend visit to see family in Melbourne.

It reminded me that a couple of grace notes about Melbourne turned up in my food trough over the last week.

First was the headline Melbourne’s forgotten mansions: Inside stately homes now destroyed.  Both a reminder that architecture, once gone, is forgotten; and these stately homes cast a shadow over lives they once dominated.

And the image Cool in the laneways from the photoblog Melbourne Today.  I started following this blog a couple of years ago from series of articles about virtual cities on the Guardian.  The image was explained to me, when the streets of Melbourne’s central business district are too hot then escape out of the sun into the laneways that radiate off them.  There’s a nice upwards feel to the image.

Cool in the Laneways

Cool in the Laneways