There was a communion service and a potluck lunch at church this morning. I took along a cake of lemon slice. I worried about what to do with Graham when I went forward to assist in the distribution of the elements. Fortunately someone else sat in the pew beside me and I was able to get him to guide Graham through the last part of the service. The preacher today, Enere Wichman, did a good job of saying a prayer over Graham after the service. The lunch was modest and enjoyable. We sat outside in the sun.

After I got home I tried to swop from Bagend to Endeavour. This turned out to be most frustrating as I couldn’t get the peripherals to work on Endeavour. After several tries I gave up and re-connected Bagend. There was enough things to play with on the windows box.

Joe wandered into the study at half past two. He asked me if we were going to the Santa parade this afternoon. I had forgotten all about it. After Joe had had a coffee and a bite to eat we hurried into town. The parade was supposed to start at nones, but it didn’t start moving for half an hour after that. We had an enjoyable time pointing out the floats that we would like to destroy because they were too cute or too openly sponsoring a brand name. There were plenty of clowns and anthropomorphic animals that stare through their mouths. The Rialto theatre put on a nice float with people dressed as Lord of the Rings characters. It was a quibble that Gandalf was dressed in gray robes, but the hobbits and the elves looked good. Several schools and churches appear to be putting on plays – Peter Pan and the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe were present choices.

We came home where Mike prepared tea before he went out to Folk Club. In the evening Joe and I went to see Underworld, a movie about the great war between the Vampire and Werewolf clans. In the movie the werewolves were called ‘lycans’. Both sides were immortal with little to no interest in the brief human lives that they lived among. The lycans were powerful shapeshifters linked to the cycles of the moon and bound by their bestial natures. The vampires were equally powerful, but could only walk by night and bound by their own traditions. Neither side seemed to have read If I were an Evil Warlord as nearly everyone wore black as the colour of choice for nocturnal, and other times. The movie ended with a climactic fight and was open-ended enough that if successful it could promise to become a franchise with at least one sequel.